What is Your Vision for Preservation Sacramento?
In the first month of each calendar year, the Preservation Sacramento Board of Directors meets for a day-long strategy session. You may have seen, heard, or even been to this annual meeting, which we call our “Annual Board of Directors Retreat” or just “The Retreat.” We cover a range of topics that help set the major goals the Organization will work toward in both the short (1-2 years), and long term (3-10 years).
This year, we would really like to hear from Preservation Sacramento's members and friends. Please tell us what you would like the Board of Directors to focus on at the 2016 Annual Board of Directors Retreat.
How can we be a more effective historic preservation organization in the short and long term? Please give it some thought, and fill out the comment form below. There is no maximum, and no minimum, so please: just tell us your vision for Preservation Sacramento.